Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Response To Email

From: Terrance Stewart
Sent: Sun 11/19/2006 9:36 AM
To: Eric Feichthaler; Dolores Bertolini; Tom Hair; Alex LePera; Alan Boyd; Timothy Day; Richard Stevens; Mickey Rosado
Cc: Stephen H. Pohlman; Carl Schwing; Michael Kalvort; Michael Jackson; Dawn Andrews
Subject: Re: Golf Club Maintenance

Ms. Watson,

At the request of the Mayor, I am responding to your inquiry.

It appears from your message that you are under the impression that the city is negotiating to purchase the Golf Club site. That is not what City Council instructed us to do. At the direction of council, I am working in conjunction with Council Member Bertolini to engage in discussions with the poperty owners to determine what they propose to do with the property, and if it is to be sold, at what price. Council may at some future time determine if the City will purchase the property and if so, at what price. Further, we are to develop sugestions as to the best use of the site.

Council Member Bertolini and I have now twice met with ownership. I have subsequenty assigned members of my staff with the tasks of gathering various existing value appraisals and ordering new ones. We sent a team from our Coral Oaks operatioins to assess the condition of the Golf Club and possible costs to physically revive it. We are examining various other elements as well. A full report will be provided to council of our efforts.

The current condition of the Golf Club obviously is sadly diminished from its operational days. However, with regard to its general condition, it is in no worse shape than any other vacant property in the City, and in fact is much better than many. Code Enforcement makes routine visits to ensure the growth of grass stays within the limits. I personally visited the site late last week and rode over the entire property. I found it to be mowed within the week and in compliance of our codes. Frankly, there were several abutting properties with yards in worse condition.

As to the issue of fire hazard, I directed the Fire Department to assess the potential hazard. The department reports the property to be no unusual hazard at this time.

Golf Club ownership has been completely cooperative in granting us access for code enforcement and for our analysis. In addition, they have also met with us when asked and suppplied information we have requested.

The report being prepared by staff is not yet completed, in part due to the need for information from value appraisals the city has ordered. Such appraisals can not be done overnight. Purchase cost predicated on a recent and objective appraisal will predicate much about what the City may or may not be able to do when considering a possible acquisition.

In conclusion, we are moving forward as directed by council and will provide as much information as possible toi enable the Mayor and Council to make the best possible decision for all the citizens of Cape Coral.


Terry Stewart
Cape Coral City Manager
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Feichthaler
To: Terrance Stewart
Sent: Sat Nov 18 14:27:12 2006
Subject: FW: Golf Club Maintenance

Terry, can staff repsond to this resident regarding code and negotiations? Please note this was received last week.

