CLEAR YOUR CALENDARS!! The time is now. The Cape Coral City Council meeting where they will vote on transmitting the proposed land use change to the state is Monday August 21 at 4:30 pm in council chambers. We need as many as possible to attend! Save Our Recreation will have a full presentation from our experts and attorney. We also welcome constructive and supportive comments from you at the public comment session of the meeting or via emails to our council members and city manager. Their emails are shown below.
Remember to be constructive and succinct with your comments and at all times be respectful and polite. We are on the right side of this issue and don’t want to lose that in our messaging. So far the support from various organizations has been incredible. The Planning and Zoning Commission, Youth Council, Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife, Florida Wildlife Federation, 1000 Friends of Florida and Sierra Club have expressed their opposition to this proposed land use change. The News Press also supports denying the proposed land use change.
Please pass this on and talk to your friends and neighbors. This is a big issue for Cape Coral as we need to decide if quality of life and planning for the future is important or not. The City decided in 1989 that this property was best suited for Parks and Recreation. Nothing has changed. Almost 11,000 people signed our petition saying they want this green space preserved. Adding up to 700 homes here will not make this city a better place to live 20 or 40 years from now. Keeping it as Park and Recreation will!
So please make arrangements to come to the hearing on August 21. If you can, come as a group. Carpool with others. We just want to be sure we have a good turnout. Wear your green Save Our Recreation shirt if you have one. If not, try to wear any green shirt. Your support does make a difference.,,,,,,,,