Sunday, May 07, 2017

Update & News Press survey

THE FIRST IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION.  The News Press has a survey about the golf course. Click either of the following links to take the survey.  The first link will take you directly to the survey.  The second will require you navigate through The News Press a bit.

Second, it sounds like DR Horton is not interested in the land swap. We are not sure if that is just their negotiating stance, but if true it's a shame as it is a great way forward that provides something of benefit to all parties. Taking the future land use change request to a vote will guarantee there are some winners and some losers. That's a good point for you to raise when people ask about the land swap. 

Last, elections are coming up later this year for the mayor and three council positions. Richard Leon who represents the golf course district has not been positive in his pubic comments about whether to preserve the Parks and Rec status. There are two candidates running against him. We will be sure to try to get their opinions on the golf course before the election and will hopefully be meeting with each of them to explain our position.