Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cape Coral Florida Bald Eagle Nest Images

Response from Kirk LaGrasta Candidate for District 2

Hi I am Kirk LaGrasta I am running for district 2.  I wanted to respond and support
your efforts with the old Golf Course on Palm Tree Blvd.  The Golf course is a privately on owned entity and the City should send Cape Coral Code Enforcement to inspect the property.  If there are code violation the owner should receive a citation, if the owner does not respond to the violations and correct the issues then Code Enforcement should file suit and foreclose on property if they don’t comply.  The golf course should be
restored to its’ full potential by a private investor.  The residents bought on the Golf course for the value it brings to their property and they should get restored what they paid for when they purchased their property.

Kirk LaGrasta