It is IMPORTANT that ALL residents ATTEND this meeting. Call your neighbors & friends today.
Wednesday, July 23rd at 9 a.m.
City Hall in Council Chambers
Ordinance 87-08
The owners/developers, Florida Gulf Ventures, application to amend the future Land Use of the Golf Club from Parks and Recreation to Mixed Use will be heard by the Planning & Zoning Commission this Wednesday, July 23rd at 9 a.m. The commission will vote to recommend denial or approval of the Land Use change at this meeting. It is urgent we have a large number from the community in attendance
I know this will be a very emotional time for everyone. Please remember to be respectful of all speakers and refrain from outbursts and/or applause.
Plan to carpool and wear your Save Our Recreation shirts or something Green.
For those of you out of town, you may view the meeting LIVE Wednesday at 9 a.m. EST. Go to , click on the "quick links" tab and select Cape Tv live from the drop down menu.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to save the golf course.