Thursday, October 27, 2016

Letter emailed to Mayor & Council October 26, 2016

-Greetings Cape Coral Council and Mayor,
My husband and I recently purchased our first home on SE 4th Place in Downtown Cape Coral!
As working professionals, we love the bars and restaurants on 47th Terrace and the walk-ability of the urban area. Unfortunately, we see a huge lack of preserved natural areas for wildlife in the downtown area.  For my family, the preserve was a key element in our decision to purchase in Cape Coral.
I am writing today to express my support for the preservation of the historic Cape Coral  Golf Club to be conserved as a park.  
Cape Coral does not have enough areas for people to walk and experience untainted wildlife nor the natural environment to sustain wildlife. Now is the perfect time and place to save this space, and you can do it!  

It has been proven by time and again by economist that parks have a positive impact our economy, tourism as well as community members overall health and well-being.   The Park will certainly raise property value, increase the downtown area by having a "Central Park" so to speak as well as preserve Cape Coral history.
I implore you council members, please preserve this land for my family, community and Florida wildlife. Set a precedent and show the community and neighboring cities that you care about the environment and your citizens health and well-being.

Julie Gerhard
New Resident of District 4.