Save Our Recreation is a non-profit organization established to preserve the historic old Cape Coral Golf Club property as a park or recreational property for use by the public for generations to come.
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4007 Palm Tree Blvd #108 Cape Coral, FL 33904
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Bird & Butterfly Sightings submitted by Lori J. Haus Bulcock
Bird Sightings
“The Golf Club”
4003 Palm Tree Blvd.
Cape Coral, FL 33904
Submitted by: Lori J. Haus-Bulcock, Save Our Recreation,
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife, SW FL Audubon
As of 02-17-2017, the following bird species have been sighted:
1. Anhinga
2. Blackbird: Red-winged
3. Cardinal: Northern
4. Catbird: Gray
5. Crow: American
6. Crow: Fish
7. Eurasian Collared Dove
8. American Coot
9. Dove: Eurasian Collared Dove
10. Dove: Mourning Dove
11. Duck: Mottled
12. Eagle: Bald
13. Egret: Snowy
14. Egret: Great White
15. Egret: Cattle
16. Falcon: Kestrel
17. Falcon: Merlin
18. Flycatcher: Great Crested
19. Gallinule: Common
20. Gnatcatcher: Blue-gray
21. Grackle: Common, Boat-tailed
22. Grebe: Pied-billed
21. Gull: Ring-billed
1. 22. Hawk: Red-shouldered
2. 23. Heron: Great Blue
1. 24. Heron: Green
2. 25. Heron: Tri-colored
26. Ibis: White
27. Jay: Blue
28. Mockingbird: Northern
29. Osprey
30. Owl: Great Horned
31. Phoebe: Eastern
32. Purple Martin
32. Sapsucker: Yellow-bellied
33. Shrike: Loggerhead
34. Starling: European
35. Stork: Wood
Golf Course Bird Sightings Page 2
1. Thrasher: Brown
2. Vulture: Black
3. Vulture: Turkey
4. Warbler: Palm
5. Warbler: Yellow-rumped
6. Warbler: Yellow-throated
7. Woodpecker: Downy
8. Woodpecker: Red-bellied
9. Wren: House
Butterfly Sightings
“The Golf Club”
4003 Palm Tree Blvd.
Cape Coral, FL 33904
Submitted by: Lori J. Haus-Bulcock
Save Our Recreation, Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife
Rotary Park Tom Allen Butterfly House volunteer
SW Florida Audubon
As of 02-17-2017
1. Cloudless Sulphur
2. Common Buckeye
3. Orange barred Sulphur
4. Dainty Sulphur
5. Giant Swallowtail
6. Gulf Fritillary
7. Julia
8. Long-tailed Skipper
9. Common Buckeye
10. Monarch
11. Red Admiral
12. White Peacock
13. Zebra Longwing
14. Cassius Blue*
15. Ceraunus Blue*
Butterflies number in the thousands on a typical Summer or Fall Day