Sunday, June 24, 2007

Letter To The Editor by Diane MacLachlan

News Press June 24,2007

Recently I went to Google Earth to see the aerial view of Cape Coral and was shocked to see the actual density of our community. The land formerly known as The Golf Course stood out in sharp contrast as one of the few open areas anywhere south of Pine Island Road. The controversy over this land seems to hinge on the reality gap between the owner's ambitious avarice and the value of this open area to the whole community.

In designing any ideal community, a given percentage of land is set aside for green space based on population. Our town has grown so fast that we have not been able to continue to accommodate this facet of community living and it is driving our residents OUT of Cape Coral to find respite and recreation. If this space is not preserved for either a golf course or a public park, we will, in essence, be pushing our residents out to spend their recreational dollars on amenities in other communities.

With an eye toward the future and the migratory tsunami that will flood Florida in the years to come as Baby Boomers move south, do we really want to define Cape Coral only as a place to own real estate or as a place to really LIVE?1?

Diane MacLachlan