Monday, May 16, 2016


Good afternoon,

We have set up a 501(c)(3) organization called Save Our Recreation, Inc.  It will be used as a vehicle to help us fund our efforts to preserve the old golf course property and stop the D.R. Horton development plans.  Our goal is to have the city retain the parks and recreation land use for this historic property.  We will also encourage the city to purchase this property back and restore it to a great recreation area. 

To assist us in preserving this property we have retained counsel and a land use expert to assist us in making our case for preservation.  If you are wondering what you can do, we need your help now for a number of things:
1.     Buy a yard sign from Mary Neilson for a minimum donation of $15. each.  Email Mary at or Call/Text Mary at 239-243-5989 to arrange pick up.  The signs will be a visible sign of our interest in preserving this property.  They will also provide funds which will help with the costs of our efforts, including our counsel and land use expert we have retained.  Please place them anywhere in the Cape, it doesn’t have to be around the golf course as this is truly a city-wide issue that seeks the best long-term use of this last large remaining green space in the Southeast Cape.
2.     Donate to our efforts by check made payable to Save Our Recreation or online at   We ask that all supporters consider giving a donation of at least $50.  Of course, if you can’t give that, or better, if you can give more, feel free to give what you can.
3.     Keep writing and emailing the council and mayor.  They are hearing your messages.  The email address,, will reach all council members, the mayor and the city manager.  Remember to make sure all of your communications are respectful and use a tone that is appropriate.
4.     Watch for future messages as we believe D.R. Horton may file for land use designation changes and other approvals in the near future.  There should be at least 3 public hearings that will be required and we will want all our supporters active and engaged in this process.

That’s all for now.  If you have questions, contact our President of Save Our Recreation, Barth Wolf at, our Treasurer, Mary Neilson at or our marketing and fundraising leader Anne Carney at  If you’d like to join Anne's team by volunteering your time and/or send her fund raising ideas feel free contact her.

Please don't forget to share this message with your neighbors and friends in Cape Coral.  If you would like to be included in future email updates, email a request to Mary at