President of Save Our Recreation, Inc. to speak about the old Cape Coral Golf Club property at Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife meeting, Tuesday, November 15th at 7:00 p.m.
Barth Wolf, president of Save Our Recreation, will be the guest speaker at the meeting on Tuesday November 15, 7:00 p.m. Rotary Park Environmental Center, 5505 Rose Garden Road, Cape Coral. (Please note: this is a week later than usual monthly meeting because Rotary Park serves as a polling place November 8th).
Save Our Recreation is a group of concerned citizens rallying to protect and preserve the old Cape Coral Golf Club property on Palm Tree Blvd and opposes high density single family development of the property as proposed by D.R. Horton. The group's mission is to maintain the Parks and Recreation land use designation for this property and work with interested parties to find a permanent solution that maintains this historic green space for generations to come.
For more information see;
Wolf is a retired lawyer who now resides in Cape Coral and has been actively working to preserve the golf course property and its unique place in Cape Coral history.
The Public is invited to attend this free event.
More information about CCFW at
Contact: Steve Chupack