Question one: Will you vote "No" on the transmittal to the state of the future land-use map amendment for the golf course property that would change it from Parks and Recreation to Single-family Residential that would allow for the DR Horton development called The Palm's?
I support the planning and zoning commission's decision from June 7, 2017. However, my hope is we can reach a compromise realizing we would be removing the property off the tax roll.Question two: If you do not support the transmittal to the state of the future land-use change, what are your thoughts on what should happen with the golf course property?
I like the idea of an opportunity for the city to support some type of revenue generation from that land in the form of green space that offers potential mixed use options down the road and helps offset the loss of ad valorem. Plus, the space would blend nicely with the long term vision of Bimini Basin.
Richard Leon
Question one: Will you vote "No" on the transmittal to the state of the future land-use map amendment for the golf course property that would change it from Parks and Recreation to Single-family Residential that would allow for the DR Horton development called The Palm's?
While there is still much to discuss and information to hear, at this time, I will be supporting the land use submittal.